Thrive and health benefits of walking

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Text and drawings by Frits Ahlefeldt,

Today more and more people are using hiking as a way to help change, recovery, stress-reduction and even better work to facilitate better meetings. In this section it is the health, thrive, well-being and other psychological and physical benefits to the hikers that are in focus in my drawings

Group of hikers walking around Mountain - illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt

Communities and hiking

Drawing up thoughts and perspectives on communities and groups

Old hiker taking a break

Drawing of a wind beaten hiker sitting down for a moment along the coast

Teaching kids outdoors

Teaching kids outdoors helps them understand, move and be more happy. Connecting to nature, instead of screens.

Group of people crossing a river with different strategies and places. Illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt

Psychology and ways of crossing a stream

Hiking can teach us new things about our strategies, roles and preferences.

Drawing of a scientist in rowboat with lots of space for more, people on land asking him if he needs a hand. Citizen Science illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt

Giving a hand to science

drawing of people who want to help scientist alone in his research boat under difficult circumstances

Drawing of two young people with backpacks. They are having two puzzle pieces putting letters together that form the word "facts" Illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt

Facts of a bigger picture

We will often be able to gain better understandings from more perspectives when sharing our knowledge

Drawing of a hiker crossing the motivation gap from today to where she wants to be tomorrow. Psychology illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt

Motivation gap

Drawing up the gap between and factors influencing what we want to do, and if we actually make the jump and walk the talk

Two hikers walking, one say what is the point in walking all this way if we end up where we started. Illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt

di00502 Ending up where we started

Drawing of a girl with backpack asking: “What is the point in walking all this way if we end up where we started?”

Hiker by a warning sign with a person on it. Hiking illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt

di00475 Warning here be people

Drawing of a hiker looking at a warning sign with a person on it.

Drawing of a hiker up a rock wall with a bear wearing tie and suit, yelling at him. Hiking illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt

di00047 Between a rock and a hard place

Drawing of a hiker standing up against a rock wall, with a bear in front of him, in suit

illustration of a group of cogwheels, with hiker in each one. Hiking drawing by Frits Ahlefeldt

di00187 Working together by walking

Illustration of people in cogwheels that works together when people in them walk

Drawing of man on a hike, thinking about his work and in the office thinking of his two kids out on a trail, Hiking drawing by Frits Ahlefeldt

di00506 Reversed focus syndrome

Illustration of a hiker who think of his work when walking with his children, and of his children when working

Illustration of lost hiker saying i'm lost another hiker ask well, where are you going? - I don't know the first answer. Hiking illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt

di00006 The double lost hiker

When you neither know where you are going – or where you want to go

Drawing of two hikers at a gap. On their side is written "facts" on the other side "Conclusion. Hiking illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt

di00534 Jumping to conclusions

Drawing of two hikers on the edge of a gap between facts and conclusion, one of the hikers saying: “Let’s jump”.

Drawing of old woman walking, telling young girl she is walking to see her grandchildren. "Me too" says the girl. Cartoon by Frits Ahlefeldt

di01494 Walking to see your grandchildren

Illustration of an old woman with backpack saying “I’m walking to see my grandchildren.” – Young girl with backpack replies: “me too!”.

Drawing of a dog barking on a hike and girl saying it already feels like long distance after ten minutes... Illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt

di002098 Ten minutes can feel long distance

Walking along with someone’s barking dog can feel long distance fast

Walking barking dog cartoon

Text and drawing by Frits Ahlefeldt.

Already feels like long distance hiking…
( illustration di02098)

Keywords: Hiking, walking, outdoors, story by Frits Ahlefeldt. Drawing up how hiking can help us understand reality in new ways – Read more about Frits on his personal blog: